This City Council meeting will be a busy one, with taxis, bike lanes, Rob Ford’s replacement, the TORONTO sign, and more. Read my full preview at Torontoist.
Category: toronto
Hot Take: The “sharing economy”
A current pet peeve: the “sharing economy”. It seems to me that two quite different things are being lumped together under this label, and it muddies the debate. Continue reading Hot Take: The “sharing economy”
City Council Preview: March 2016
Hello, friends. We’ve crawled out of post-budget recuperation to bring you this guide to the next City Council meeting. On this month’s agenda: SmartTrack, the East Gardiner, bees, tennis, ca$h for gold, Black Lives Matter, and more.
Linkdump: All My 2016 Municipal Budget Writing
I’ve been writing about the budget so long. Please help. I want to go home ;_; Continue reading Linkdump: All My 2016 Municipal Budget Writing
Torontoist Explains: City Council Revenue Tools
This post first appeared on in February 2016. It is very out of date and is republished here for historical purposes.
Featured photo by edk7 from the Torontoist Flickr pool.
I won’t call them revenue tools. I think that’s a misnomer. We have to have more taxes or fees to offset the cost of government.
—John Campbell (Ward 4, Etobicoke Centre)
John Campbell is right. A “revenue tool” is just any way the City can bring in more money. Using “revenue tool” may circumvent that knee-jerk response people get when you say “taxes”. The difference is that John Campbell thinks taxes and fees are inherently a bad thing, and others don’t. Welcome to the plight of the Toronto Revenue Tools Debate.
Continue reading Torontoist Explains: City Council Revenue Tools
City Council Recap: February 2016
You read the preview, now here’s the recap. Here’s key happenings from this month’s City Council meeting.
City Council Preview: February 2016
Friends, we can all agree that the municipal budget is the most exciting part of the year. But don’t get distracted—there’s a regular City Council meeting this month, too. On the agenda: Uber, fireworks, Toronto Hydro, subways, animal control, and even some good old-fashioned Rob Ford drama.
Let’s check it out, and understand the agenda better than those 15 councillors who never raise their hand in class.
Torontoist Explains: The Social Housing Waitlist
You’ve probably heard it’s over 95,000 households long—and growing. But there’s a lot more to know about the social housing waitlist, and we’ll explain.
Prepare to be depressed.
City Council Preview: December 2015
Hello again, everyone! It’s the most wonderful time of the year—that’s right, municipal budget time. But amid our festivities, the everyday business of City Council must go on. Here’s a peek at what’s on this month’s City Council agenda.
How City Council Procedure Works
Tuning in to City Council for the first time—or even watching in person? You may feel lost and confused. Once you understand how council procedure works, you may still feel lost and confused, but at least you’ll know what’s going on.