Arachnews: September 30, 2020

I’M BACK, BITCHES. In the latest roundup of all things spider, scorpion, harvester, mite, and more:

  • arachnologists on livestreams and podcasts
  • retractions and other developments
  • research on venom, silk, agriculture, ecology, and more
  • new species from around the world
  • …and more!

Read it on Medium.

Arachnews: May 31, 2020

We’re back, baby. In the latest roundup of arachnid news, media, and science:

  • arachnological organizations’ statements on #BlackLivesMatter
  • arachnologists on livestreams
  • research on extreme sexual dimorphism, spider collecting techniques, and tailless whipscorpion senses
  • new species from around the world
  • and much more…

Read it on Medium.

Arachnews: May 12, 2020

Arachnews is back after a short depression-hiatus! In this week’s roundup of arachnid-related art, news, and science:

  • new drugs derived from spider and scorpion venom
  • some intriguing spider observations on social media
  • an update on that viral tarantula tea party photo
  • how “natural” pesticides affect arachnids
  • new species
    …and more!

Read it on Medium.

Arachnews: April 6, 2020

In this week’s roundup of everything arachnid:

  • cool photos of as-yet-undescribed species
  • which conferences are postponed, which are still going ahead
  • the Great British Cellar Spider Survey
  • mite-eating thrips, nematode-eating mites, scorpion-eating scorpions
    …and more!

Read it on Medium.