Field journal: March 9, 2020

Last Monday was the warmest it’d been in a while—over 10°C!—so as soon as I was done with stuff for the day, I headed out for a bit of afternoon “spidering”.

The late afternoon sun over the western skyline.
Last year’s high water levels had eroded much of the beach that was once reserved for a pollinator garden. The drastic fluctuations that come with climate change make landscaping…difficult.
A particularly rotten old willow tree had been cut down.
The moss was the only plant that showed signs of life.
Most spiders are still in “hibernation”. Peeling back the bark on a tree stump reveals silk sleeping bags.
By this time of year, dead plants are almost bare. Any clumps of dead goldenrod you see are held together with silk—a spider’s winter home.
I found this ground crab spider under a rock at the foot of a spruce tree.
It was getting cold down by the lake, so I hurried back. Around the front of Sunnyside Pavilion I found springtails on the wet ground.
As I headed back over the pedestrian bridge, it was getting dark—that time when cars’ headlights are just starting to stand out.

Before heading home I stopped to get a burrito. It’s not a great idea to eat with your hands after touching god knows what. I haven’t been able to get more hand sanitizer because of people panic-buying, so I washed my hands in the restaurant’s tiny, half-clogged sink for the requisite 20 seconds.

A month or more until spring.

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